Acorn Housing | Landlords
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Advantage to Landlords

    • No expense- this service is free for landlord’s and tenant’s
    • Tenancy’s are long term and UK based
    • Full tenant support service
    • Free works schedule is available
    • Updates on property and tenant regularly
    • Free tenant sign up administration service
    • Tenant find relocation service for free
    • Photographic inventory service for free
    • Information on accommodation deposit when tenant sign up
    • Full property inspection and consultation

What we require

    • Well-kept and presented property
    • Landlord terms and conditions with declaration form and ID
    • Tenant deposit to be protected under either of the tenancy deposit schemes
    • Gas safety certificate-Valid
    • Electrical Safety- Valid and inspection report
    • Valid Energy performance certificate (EPC), should have a rating of E or above
    • Working smoke alarms on each floor of the property
    • Carbon monoxide alarm in each room which has a regular fuel source
    • White appliances- Cooker and Fridge Freezer
    • The property needs to be part furnished with curtains and carpets
    • Ideal to have fully furnished if possible, with beds, sofas, dining table, etc.
    • Each furniture item should be labelled with the label showing it meets the furniture and furnishings fire safety standards

For the Free Help